

2019年的加密社区会是什么样子? With over 2000 digital currencies on the market to pick from – and even Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg weighing in – the crypto world is bursting at the seams with creation, 创新, 讨论与辩论. 在2019年的coinfstuk上更是如此, a free three-day event organised by Manchester-based CryptoBatesGroup.

针对加密爱好者和新手一样, CoinFest is part of a global network of events whose main goal is to demystify cryptocurrency alongside educating the public about Bitcoin and its uses. 由比特币倡导者安德鲁·瓦格纳(Andrew Wagner)于2013年创立, CoinFest has since grown from a small gathering of 100 enthusiasts to a global event with international recognition.

现在已经是第四年了, coinfstuk汇集了艺术, 音乐, 科技, talks and 研讨会 from the best of the British crypto community. The event joined other international gatherings in Vancouver, 荷兰, 加纳, 塞拉利昂, Nigeria and Botswana in celebrating the global influence of cryptocurrencies throughout the first week of April.

Armed with a killer schedule, CoinFest UK took over the Manchester Conference Centre from the 4th-6th April to host more than 300 attendees and over 40 speakers, 还有大量的作坊, 展览, 活动及娱乐. Free to attend and open to all ages and all levels of experience, the event offered a welcoming and relaxed atmosphere for professionals, 创业公司, 学者, 业余爱好者和新手要赶上来, 和志趣相投的人聊天.

CoinFest UK由捐赠和赞助商资助, all of whom travelled up and down the country and from around the world to support and exhibit at the event. 2019年的主要赞助商包括MonetaryUnit, the team behind digital currency MUE and crypto-accepting marketplace Flubit.com, as well as EthBits, a crypto platform and trading exchange. Other sponsors included BittyBot, CommerceBlock, Hoard.Exchange, Trippki, Hodlr.岩石, Kryptoez, Cryptoversity, 皇冠和闪电收藏, 汇集了加密社区的所有领域, from price comparison websites and online learning to art and apparel. Sponsors were also joined by a huge range of exhibitors from all areas of the community, 为与会者提供宝贵的交流机会, 分享想法, 探索和参与新技术和新产品.

Meanwhile, attendees enjoyed a packed schedule of talks, 研讨会 and casual discussion. 克里斯·康尼主持, 演讲者包括科林·麦克雷, Edge Fund的首席执行官兼联合创始人, a decentralised platform for fixed odds games; Gavin Brown, a senior lecturer at Manchester Metropolitan University; Bertie Stephens, CEO of Flubit; William Hern and Matthew Rodbourne, EthBits联合创始人. 客人们还十大正规博彩网站评级了一位神秘的演讲者, whose identity was revealed as popular Canadian Bitcoin commentator and altcoin miner, notsofast, 这是他第一次公开露面.

Talks covered a diverse range of topics relating not only to the crypto space and its growing place in everyday life, 还有未来的工作, how foodbanks are leveraging cryptocurrency as a new revenue stream, the mysteries of Bitcoin founder Satoshi Nakamoto and Blockchain art. Talks were followed by a highly attended discussion panel, 讨论的主题包括什么, 业务发展及投资. This provided another valuable opportunity for professionals and enthusiasts from across the globe to come together and 分享想法 in a casual atmosphere.

虽然会谈为反思提供了时间, there were plenty of opportunities for fun and games throughout the three-day event. A series of intimate interactive 研讨会 appealed to curious attendees of all ages and were one of the most popular activities. Workshops included mining and transaction 研讨会 hosted by Greg Walker, learnmebitcoin的所有者.com website, who explained the process of how cryptocurrencies are ‘created’. Attendees were also able to use a Bitcoin ATM and take a look at the inner workings of a GPU mining operation as part of a live demonstration.

More opportunities to relax and have fun came in the form of crypto-themed giveaways, 晚间娱乐和抽奖活动. 在翻新的街机抓娃娃机中, Crystal Dome-style wind cylinders and a crypto treasure hunts, the event closed each evening with live broadcasts from Madbitcoins and live rap from CryptoRaptor, followed by a much-deserved free bar for sponsors and VIPs.

What can’t be underestimated is the networking opportunities CoinFestUK presents for business and the community. 2019’s event produced an exclusive deal between an affluent lifestyle magazine and Trevor Jones to produce AR content for their publication. From new business partnerships to strangers discovering they are in fact neighbours back home, CoinFestUK has turned into an event of national – and international – influence.

coinfstuk将于2020年迎来第五个年头, 所以一定要参加我们为期三天的讲座, 研讨会, networking and cryptocurrency celebration from November 13th– `15th全球最大的博彩平台. Get all the latest updates by subscribing to the newsletter at coinfestuk.org and be sure to follow @CoinFestUK on Twitter for more announcements.

