
A Day in the Life of a Content Writer - Emily Hill, elcap

Ever wondered what it's like to work at one of Greater Manchester's leading tech employers or what specific job roles get up to each day?


我们采访了她,以了解更多全球最大的博彩平台这个角色的信息, 她在elcap的经历, 以及平常的一天是什么样的.





I’ve known Andy, elcap’s founder and UX-strategist, for about 7 years.  

Our paths crossed whilst I was working client-side for a high-growth compliance software start-up. 我负责他们的市场营销, and Andy headed up UX at a well-known B2B marketing agency in Manchester.   

Andy worked on a project to transform our brand and relaunch our website. I was blown away by his approach to processes and UX design – it’s a real niche and few people have that skillset.   

当安迪开始自己的公司时, elcap, we commissioned his team to build a custom pricing calculator tool that would integrate data with HubSpot. It was fantastic, and more than trebled our late-stage deal conversion rates.   

When Qualsys was acquired and I was looking for a new opportunity, I had some conversations with Andy about joining the team. It was a gradual process to refine how my demand generation skills would add value to clients and how we packaged up services for clients.   

我开始为团队做一些自由职业, and then officially came on board with elcap in January 2022.  



我喜欢在elcap工作的很多事情. The team, our clients, processes, and the projects we work on are all fantastic. 有一个积极和富有成效的工作环境.  

One of my favourite things is the freedom to get on with the job. 

Many of our clients are on retainers, this means they have a set number of hours e.g. 一个月30小时, for us to use on the mixture of marketing activity to help them to achieve their goals. Our clients get multiple specialists helping them to drive growth, 与初级全职员工的成本相同.  


We use ClickUp and that helps our clients to keep track of where their hours are being spent: clients can login to send suggestions or see what we’ve planned for the next month. The visibility helps with communication between our team and our clients. 这意味着我们是战略合作伙伴. 我们可以专注于结果,而不仅仅是打勾. And this approach must be working – we haven’t lost a client yet and all our clients are seeing strong growth! 


您的组织通常承担哪些内容, 典型的项目目标和目的是什么? 

内容始于一个想法的火花. The good idea comes from all sorts of sources – a conversation, 客户反馈, 报告发现, 趋势, 用户生成内容. 


Content sits at the centre of any good marketing campaign or project. Whether you’re opting for inbound or ABM, you need killer content.  


如果你要启动一个新网站, PPC活动, 或者社交媒体帖子, content is King and it’s the make or break of your growth success.  


Content tells the story of your company – what do you do? 你是谁?? 你如何帮助? 为什么你?  


Content is about being the brand journalist and getting the Voice of Brand out there.  

 格式不仅仅是大量的单词. Powerful content comes in a mixture of media – this might be a template, 演讲, 动画, video, 调查, 统计, 图, 报价, gif, 或者是模因. Content is about evoking the right emotion and driving your prospects to action.  



I work three days a week, so when I’m at the desk it’s all systems go. 


Today, I fire up the laptop and check Click Up to see the jobs assigned for the day.  

我完成了几篇一直在写的文章, 解决HubSpot工作流/数据导入查询问题, 安排一下我们客户在社交媒体上的帖子, 简要介绍一些登陆页面的设计, 制作一份申请行业奖项的申请书, 向客户发送一些有关活动创意的电子邮件, 研究新产品发布的想法, 计划在社交媒体上发布更多的帖子, call with our UX-designer to discuss a new mega navigation for a website, and then a quick catch up with our HubSpot representative to find out what new releases are coming in the tool.   



我在不断提高我的营销技巧. One of the great things about elcap is our network of specialists. This means that if a client needs something very specific, 我们可以请这个一流的网络提供建议, 在这个过程中我们也学到了更多. 




-我们经营的领域:我热爱B2B营销. 我们和一些企业合作,做一些非常酷的事情. 操作组, 例如, go into factories and improve the efficiency of their processes and it cuts out more CO2 emissions in a year than 100,000棵树可以吸收20多年的水分. 我要讲这个故事,这太棒了.   

快乐的销售团队:如果销售团队不忙的话, 他们的日记里没有客户电话, 或者交易没有通过他们的渠道, then the marketing isn’t working hard enough and we need to work on their demand generation or lead nurturing strategy. 和我们所有的客户, I work closely with the sales teams to ensure they have all the resources they need to sell.  

-        The lines going up: Impressions, clicks, enquiries, pipeline value, AOV, LTV... I get excited by our customer’s growth and how we’re helping them on their journey.  

