
The growing wave of digitization and digitalization, has resulted in a critical talent gap in the UK. If not addressed, much of the potential of digitalization could go unrealized. 

根据 咨询公司.uk, the UK stands the risk of forgoing more than £140 billion if the status quo remains.



最简单的形式, outsourcing happens when a company hires another company to carry out planned or existing business activity. In the technology space, this often takes the form of software development. 在这里, your vendor bears the responsibility of delivering the project and manages the end-to-end project flow. When finished, the product is delivered to you, tested and approved.


在这里, 你雇佣一个人或一个专业团队, to work as embedded members of your team under your supervision. 在大多数情况下,他们远程工作. You have full control here and determine the work flow direction. The outstaffing vendor takes the critical role of finding, 招聘和处理所有行政事务. Whilst the employee’s payroll and taxes are handled by your vendor, 员工直接和你一起工作.


Smart organisations often look for ways of remaining competitive especially in periods of uncertainty and instability, 就像即将到来的经济衰退即将把我们拖入其中一样. Organisations are increasingly turning to these models to utilize available resources optimally and reduce cost.


The global pandemic has accelerated our transition to remote work. 研究 show a positive correlation between remote work and productivity, indicating that organizations are likely to maintain the remote culture after the global lock down due to the inherent advantages.



外包 to a country with lower cost of living translates to significant cost savings. 更低的工资, 生产, infrastructure and operational costs means the vendor will charge much less than another vendor in high-cost markets.


与外包合作伙伴合作, 你不会在招聘上浪费时间, 新员工入职培训. You simply hire the vendor, who uses his existing, often experienced team to deliver your project. 如你所知,时间就是金钱.


When you outsource some or all elements of your development, you free up time to focus on acquiring new clients and entering new markets, 无需扩展内部操作.


随着英国科技人才的日益短缺, outsourcing and outstaffing models are a strategy to access the hard-to-find and expensive skills set in the local market. In addition, employing the outsourcing model increases your organisation’s diversity quotient.



This can be a major challenge if you are not in similar time zones with your outsourcing vendor. There could be a significant dent on the communication flow which could affect the overall success of the project.


Communication flow could be hampered significantly if your partner vendor struggles with your major language of communication. This often leads to wasted time and misinterpretation of the project requirements.


Different environments elicit different cultural norms and work habits. 例如, 对于一些等级文化, 报告常常听从上级的命令, 毫无疑问. 培训 and retraining go a long way in filling the missing gaps here.


从远处看,这可能是一个巨大的问题. On a close look, one discovers that the challenges can easily be mitigated. 外包模式, the contracting company has total control on the access granted to the embedded staff just as other staff members. Also, engagements on the outsourcing model typically come with intellectual property protection.


Outstaffing model is ideal in situations where you have the required expertise in house but lack the development capacity. 你可能有一个CTO, who is responsible for your development strategy and is particular about the architectural consistency of your software component but needs some additional hands.克服能力挑战, you could either go for an embedded team member or a team extension — depending on the capacity gap.

外包 is better suited for situations where you do not have the in-house expertise and are not able to build your IT team yet either due to a constrained budget or other reasons. 在这种情况下 , you could have a measurable part or your entire project built out by the outsourced vendor.

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