
ChatGPT won’t kill our B2B marketing careers – it’s a human problem!

Over the past few weeks there’s been huge speculation and discussion over the arrival of ChatGPT. OpenAI’s chatbot which is founded on the company’s large language models, 似乎可以消除人类对键盘的需求——或者至少减少了为任何目的生产高质量书面内容所涉及的繁重工作.

微软100亿美元的投资 OpenAI 1月份宣布的, 紧随其后的是谷歌(Google)推出的巴德版, signals that the big tech guys expect AI to be the future of content. I personally love that Google has named its AI offering after “a poet, 尤其是一个写得充满激情的人, lyrical, 或者史诗诗.哦,真讽刺, 用最有创意的名字来命名, 自由思想的, 有远见的剧作家,他的长寿可以说是因为他打破了很多规则,甚至发明了新词, 而人工智能写作工具只能重复别人给他们的东西,而不能创造任何真正的新东西.


专注于自己的领域 B2B PR, AI-produced written content isn’t the only technological ‘threat’ to our ways of working. AI美术生成器已经在改变着一切. 在上面, 互联网上的顶级图片提供商, 在2021年进行了一系列人工智能收购——收购了帮助用户为营销活动选择图像的企业和工具. Following this it now offers AI-generated images to subscribers through an integration with DALL-E这是OpenAI的另一个主要平台.

Like most PR agency leaders, I have had a play with ChatGPT to see what it offers. It has also come up in conversation with clients and prospects. 我们无法回避的一个事实是,这将引发有关机构制作内容的成本问题,而不是让机器人在很短的时间内免费完成这一工作. 机构专家最近在这方面分享了他们的观点 PR Moment博客. The consensus seems to be that it is useful but by no means perfect. What you gain in terms of speed and cost you lose in terms of originality. 至少现在是这样.

我为此担心吗? 不是特别. 年轻的营销人员是否应该担心,因为这可能会对他们未来的职业生涯产生更大的影响? Probably not – as they will evolve with the world as we have. 他们的客户将是他们的同伴,并且他们将相互理解AI是游戏的一部分.


One big question is, should (or can) we resist the onset of AI in our working lives? 就个人而言,答案是否定的. 我不想失去我的工作或生计,但我们必须接受这样一个事实,即像这样的工具将继续存在. 就质量而言,他们可能还没有达到那样的水平,但他们能够做更多我们所做的事情只是时间问题, 作为一个好的标准, 更快一点. In fact, there are many areas where PR could benefit from AI, beyond the writing of content. 例如, learning the behaviours of journalists based on their writing, 利益, 以及消除漫射式推销和故事分发(本质上是人类像机器人一样行事)的反应能力, 而不是反过来.)

For someone like me who has worked in the PR industry for over 25 years, 职业被分为前互联网时代和后互联网时代. My generation has seen the stark transformation that the internet, 第一种形式, 对我们工作的影响. 从把新闻稿塞进信封, 90年代的标签印刷机和邮资印刷机, 使用监控记者报道的工具来告诉你谁对你的客户最感兴趣. 还有谷歌——想想我们有多依赖它来找到相关的和可参考的证据来塑造我们的写作. 没有它你能活下去吗?你愿意吗? 多年来,我们一直让技术为我们做研究,我们不能否认我们喜欢它的许多优点. 人工智能只是这种进化的下一步.


My belief that AI is here to stay does not mean I think it is for good. 然而,我认为人类行为也是一个问题,而不是人工智能. I believe we have been falling out of love with originality for years. 这在一定程度上要归咎于我们与科技的关系. 惊叹于我们的发明, 我们让技术接管一切, 接受它的无处不在, 把所有事物都看成是正常的.

想想科技如何加速新事物的生产和数字化共享. Netflix系列,电脑游戏,实体产品. Technology has taught us we can have stuff now in life rather than waiting. 这不仅仅是全球最大的博彩平台作为消费者的行为. It is permeating into business expectations and subsequently into marketing approaches, 以及代理-客户关系. To me, speed and pace is often a trade off against originality. Originality is original human nature and we should be seeking to preserve it, 而不是让它灭绝.

让我们回到营销环境中, 对于我们所做的工作,我最大的烦恼之一是,人们似乎越来越蔑视原创的营销思维——这需要时间,而且往往与追求一切都要快的要求相矛盾. Martech, 与增加营销价值相反, has in some respects just created a need for quotas over quality. Just consider the impact that SEO strategy has had on content strategy in the last decade. “在接下来的两个月里,我们需要12个被认可的博客”比“我们需要一个营销活动来实现X Y和Z,并探索这个主题”要常见得多.”


Content is what feeds technology platforms; ideas and originality are what feed human buyers’ imaginations. 在我们的PR工作中,我们越来越多地受到缺乏原创性和相信现有内容可以满足我们功能贡献需求的挑战, 新闻报道和委托撰写的文章. 有时, it’s a fight just getting access to a spokesperson for the original input that the media needs. 在90年代和21世纪初,情况就不同了.

所以有时候机器人不是问题,人类才是. Is our inherent laziness and acceptance of technology killing our originality? 这对B2B营销博客来说有点奥威尔式,但如果我们让先进的机器支配我们做什么, 我们呼吁 their 欲望,而不是我们自己. Our obsession with how clever technology is, is overshadowing how creative we are.

I don’t consider myself an artist but what we do in jobs such as PR, journalism and creative marketing does include a form of artistry. 所以听听艺术家的观点是很有趣的. 尼克·凯夫(Nick Cave)最近收到了一位粉丝寄给他的一首由ChatGPT以他的风格创作的歌曲,他是这样回应的:

“写一首好歌不是模仿, 或复制, 或模仿, 这是一种自我谋杀的行为,它摧毁了一个人过去努力创造的一切. 这是危险的, 令人心跳停止的离开,将艺术家弹射到他或她所认识的已知自我的极限之外.

“This is part of the authentic creative struggle that precedes the invention of a unique lyric of actual value; it is the breathless confrontation with one’s vulnerability, 一个人的perilousness, 一个人的渺小, pitted against a sense of sudden shocking discovery; it is the redemptive artistic act that stirs the heart of the listener, where the listener recognizes in the inner workings of the song their own blood, 他们自己的挣扎, 他们自己的痛苦.”

While I can’t claim the same depth of thought at all, I get it. Writing this blog alone has required a degree of original thinking, 除了我脑子里的杂音. 我不得不质疑自己的想法. 尽管人工智能的进化可能是不可避免的, 让我们不要告诉自己,快速的赝品和快速的浅层“足够好”——绝对不会比原作更好. I’d be sorry to lose the need to think hard to produce something great.

所以我希望你们,作为B2B营销人员记住,创意和技术一样重要. It’s not enough to deliver boring, regurgitated content like ChatGPT currently does. 在这篇博客的最后,我想分享一下我在GPT聊天中提出的问题(作为我研究的一部分)以及它给我的答案. They don’t provide amazing insights – but read between the lines and they tell you quite a lot. 所以继续阅读吧——锻炼你的聪明才智, creative, interpretive mind to think about what these answers tell you!


作为一个语言模型, ChatGPT能够生成包含观点的文本, however, 需要注意的是,模型所表达的观点并不一定反映模型的开发人员或创建者的观点或信念.

ChatGPT是在一个大的文本数据集上训练的, and it generates text based on patterns it has learned from that data. 如果数据包含各种各样的观点, 该模型将能够生成包含在训练数据中发现的具有代表性的意见的文本. However, 模型没有自己的信念或观点, but rather it can generate text that appears as if it is expressing an opinion


It is possible that Google’s algorithms may like content written by ChatGPT, but it ultimately depends on how well the content is optimized for search engines. 谷歌的算法使用多种因素来确定网页的相关性和可信度, 包括内容的质量和相关性, the number and quality of external links pointing to the webpage, 以及网页的整体用户体验. 如果ChatGPT编写的内容是高质量的, relevant, 并且针对搜索引擎进行了优化, 它可能会受到谷歌算法的青睐. However, it’s important to note that Google’s algorithms are constantly evolving, so it is best to stay up-to-date on the latest best practices for SEO.


It is unlikely that ChatGPT or any other language model will completely replace PR agencies. 而ChatGPT可以用来生成文本, 例如新闻稿或文章, it is not able to perform all of the other functions of a PR agency…

而ChatGPT可以用来生成文本, it is not able to perform the other key functions of PR agencies. 除了, 公关机构也有行业知识,并与记者和其他关键联系人建立了关系,ChatGPT没有.

While AI and machine learning can be used to support PR agencies in their work, 它们不太可能取代公关机构带来的人情味和专业知识.


It is unlikely that ChatGPT or any other language model will completely replace journalists. ChatGPT can be used to generate text based on a given prompt, but it does not have the ability to gather and verify information, 采访时, 或者像人类记者一样做出编辑决定.

话虽如此, AI-generated text can be used as a tool to assist journalists in their work, such as generating summaries of news articles or identifying patterns in data. 除了, 一些新闻媒体已经开始使用人工智能生成的内容,例如股票市场或体育新闻, where the information is more formulaic and less dependent on human creativity.

However, 在不久的将来,ChatGPT或其他人工智能生成的文本不太可能完全取代人类记者, 因为这个职业需要广泛的技能, 包括收集和核实信息的能力, 采访时, and make editorial decisions that machines can’t replicate yet.

Photo by Laark Boshoff on Unsplash

