What is Employee Engagement?

用最简单的形式来说:员工敬业度是承诺的程度, 员工对工作和组织的热情和奉献精神.

有些人认为敬业度仅仅是为了让员工快乐,但敬业度远不止于此. 员工敬业度的提高体现在员工充分发挥其潜力并在工作中表现出色.

当员工将快乐和精力投入到实现业务目标时,就会产生高敬业度. 这加快了 个人 team performance.

It’s your best employees, bringing their best selves to work, putting in the effort 和 doing their best work when they get t在这里! 

In a great organisation:

员工与公司的价值观一致,相信公司的愿景. 组织正在为员工提供他们成功和成长所需的东西. The culture is healthy 和 employees are thriving.


Why should you care about Employee Engagement?

The straight answer is that high employee engagement = higher profits. 

💡拥有高参与度,你可以通过以下方式超越低参与度的组织 202%.

Consider the monetary cost of low engagement. What if an employee is only working at 60% of their potential? What is the opportunity cost of the missing 40%? 然后想想,如果他们辞职,接替他们的成本会是多少? 

再加上新人的额外培训费用,以及他们带走的几个流失客户的费用. It starts to add up. We’ve worked out the cost of low engagement, you can see it 在这里 - spoiler alert, it’s not pretty.


Here are some great things you’ll see in a highly engaged team:

  • 团队合作——你会看到个人为了共同的目标而共同努力, leveraging their diverse skills 和 perspectives.

  • 更高的生产力——你会注意到一个显著的生产力提升,因为积极和专注的团队成员始终如一地交付高质量的工作.

  • 轻松的氛围——一个积极和投入的团队创造了一个轻松和支持的环境,在这里个人可以安全地表达自己的想法, take risks 和 learn from mistakes.

  • 良好的沟通——高度投入的团队擅长通过开放和透明的渠道进行有效的沟通,促进信息共享, 的想法, 和反馈, fostering clarity 和 underst和ing among team members.

  • 按时完成任务——你的团队将带着强烈的责任感和责任感按时完成任务, ensuring timely 和 high-quality completion of tasks 和 projects.

Do you already recognise these in your team? 这是神奇的! 现在是时候确保你朝着更好的参与迈出下一步了. 查看我们的 Next Level Employee Engagement guide to see how (go on - it’s free!).


How do you achieve high engagement?

十点空间 we use a simple model. 它帮助我们探索在一个组织中,参与到底发生了什么. 它向我们展示了我们已经擅长的地方,以及我们需要改进的地方.


By looking into the 4 areas of engagement, you’ll be able to see w在这里 you’re lacking 和 w在这里 you’re thriving.



💡 When a company leads with purpose, employees are 78% more likely to want to work for that company.

当员工感到与公司的使命联系在一起时,他们的敬业度会显著提高. They find meaning 和 purpose in their work, 知道他们的努力贡献了比自己更大的东西. 

This sense of connection fosters a deeper commitment 和 passion, driving them to go the extra mile 和 strive for excellence. They become more invested in the success of the organisation, leading to higher productivity, increased job satisfaction, 和 a stronger sense of belonging within the team.

TOP TIP: When an employee feels heard, that person is 4.6 times more likely to perform to the best of their abilities. Check out how you can use 识别 to improve engagement in our blog.



💡As many As 57% of employees quit because of their boss. 领导团队的实力对团队的文化和成功有着巨大的影响.

一个伟大的领导者能够激励和激励他们的团队成员,赢得他们的信任和尊重. They provide clear direction, 指导, 和支持, 让员工充分发挥自己的潜能. 

A great leader fosters a positive work environment, encourages open communication, 和 recognises 和 appreciates the contributions of their employees. This creates a sense of empowerment, job satisfaction, 和 loyalty among the team, leading to enhanced employee engagement 和 overall success.

你知道吗?? 38% 许多员工觉得他们的经理不够了解他们,无法充分了解他们的潜力. 我们的首席执行官维多利亚·邦德在她的播客中谈到了领导者(特别是微观管理的首席执行官). Listen to it 在这里.



💡 74% of employees 说缺乏专业发展阻碍了他们充分发挥潜力.

当员工对自己的角色感到满足时,员工敬业度就会提高. 当个人发现他们的工作有意义并且与他们的价值观一致时, they are 动机 to invest their time 和 energy into their work, going above 和 beyond to achieve goals. 

Fulfilled employees are more likely to be proactive, 创新, 和 committed to their organisation's success. 这种积极的心态和态度有助于提高生产力, stronger teamwork, 和 a happier work environment, ultimately enhancing overall employee engagement.

重要提示:投资于员工发展也可以转化为整体晋升,让你留住顶尖人才. 在我们的“锁定人才”网络研讨会上了解如何留住顶尖人才. Watch the recording 在这里.



💡信任员工的组织会提高员工的敬业度 76%.

表现最好的团队有一个共同点:心理安全的工作场所. 心理安全的工作场所促进更健康、更有生产力和更具包容性的劳动力. 它们还提供了一个环境,在这个环境中,创新可以蓬勃发展,人们可以发挥自己的最佳水平.

When 个人s feel their wellbeing is prioritised, they are more likely to be engaged, 动机, 和生产. 关心员工的健康不仅能提高他们的整体满意度和幸福感,还能降低压力水平, 降低倦怠, 和 increased loyalty 和 commitment to the company.

你知道吗?? Employee performance in diverse organisations is 12% higher than in companies with no inclusivity efforts. 查看我们的 blog for more info on why Diversity 和 Inclusion matters to engagement.


What’s the next step towards high engagement?

员工敬业度是确保企业成功的首要任务之一. 你需要知道如何在你的团队中鼓励团队参与和满意度. 

We suggest utilising employee engagement surveys to collect truthful, trustworthy feedback. 有了这些反馈,就有可能采取行动,建立一个梦幻般的工作场所 data

十点空间, we help organisations underst和 what is driving, or holding back engagement in their teams. 我们通过频繁的、定制的敬业度调查来做到这一点,这些调查旨在了解敬业度的核心.

Start your journey to high engagement with us by getting in touch. 或者看看我们是如何帮助别人在我们的工作中创造令人难以置信的工作场所的 案例研究.

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