
《十大正规博彩网站评级》作者:肖恩·布兰尼根, TalkTalk

Ever wondered what it's like to work at one of Greater Manchester's leading tech employers or what specific job roles get up to each day?

肖恩·布兰尼根(Sean Brannigan)是TalkTalk安全运营和响应部门的负责人.

我们采访了他,以了解更多全球最大的博彩平台这个角色的信息, 他在TalkTalk的经历, 以及平常的一天是什么样的.





我的网络安全之路并不传统. 我在大学里获得了产品设计的学位, and it was only when I moved into the workplace full-time that I went down the technology route. 我最初是英国电信的现场工程师, 安装客户宽带和电视套餐, 考虑到我现在为谁工作,这有点讽刺吧. 离开BT后, I then joined a relatively small Network Managed Security Services provider on a graduate scheme. 我换过各种角色, 在担任轮班团队经理之前,负责全天候的团队工作. 

It was whilst working in this role in Feb 2016 that I was approached by TalkTalk to take on the SOC Manager role at the time. 这个角色提供了一个完全不同的挑战——让网络安全之旅更加成熟. My prior experience was on the other side of the fence, serving end customers not working for one. 然而, 这是一个非常令人兴奋的机会,它让我建立了一个全新的团队, 从零开始的系统和过程, with the aim of the team becoming a centre of excellence for Cyber Security Incident Response. 

在接下来的几年里, the team expanded and merged with other security functions - when my previous manager left I felt ready to apply for the Head of Department role. 我成功地申请到了这个职位, 到目前为止,我已经有9年的管理经验了, various incident response battle scars as well as personally driving forward significant team capability progress aspects, 在面试过程中. 

Moving into a ‘Head of’ role presents new challenges but also lots of great opportunities and whilst the business evolves and changes, 这是一份很有价值的工作,我觉得这对维持旅程的安全至关重要.


I enjoy the challenger mentality of the business as that is something I live by day to day and in my managerial role. The creative and continuous improvement of our people development, processes and technologies. My overall goal is for us to get the most out of our capabilities - allowing us to improve our incident detection and response as much as possible, 这样我们才能在需要的时候做出有效的反应. 

The flexibility and fast paced nature of the business allows my team to be agile and make use of new tooling functionality, 虽然我们是值得信赖的安全专家,可以向业务交付结果, 这是非常令人放心的,当谈到创造性的成熟我们的能力.

Seeing people develop and progress into more senior roles also remains a key objective for me as head of the department and we have had real success in this area over the past few years.


我通常每天都要开会讨论正在进行的部门计划, as well as catchups with my peers in the security leadership team - and 1-2-1s with my team. 另外, I host a cross functional daily update call where the wider security team can share and discuss wider updates and challenges. 

I’m also part of other initiatives within the business that focus on the identification and improvement of any operation aspects that can be prohibitive to us achieving our yearly business strategy, 比如糟糕的合作, 技能共享或文档问题.

因为我要对部门战略的成功负责, part of my day-to-day work includes ensuring that all of the elements agreed within it are progressing as expected, 哪些可能需要升级类型的对话来保持它们在轨道上.

另外, 我可以作为我的团队的升级点, ensuring that any incident response or project related concerns can be addressed to achieve the desired outcomes.


我得说这确实是一个有趣的挑战. One of the biggest issues for us post-pandemic was to improve collaboration by getting people in the office again, 但最重要的是,他们觉得自己可以在一个安全的环境中工作. This required a number of sensitive conversations based on individual concerns and a balance to be achieved around homeworking versus office working. 

就我个人而言, 到那时,我已经和我的团队成员一起工作了很多年, 因此,我与我的直接下属和整个团队建立了良好的信任. 因此, alongside implementing a significant initiative to improve the team structure and ways of working, 另一个关键的挑战是确保每个人都理解我们部门的战略, where each of them can positively contribute to the success of that strategy and where our strategy fits into the wider business strategy success.


There is so much potential for positive change within the business and I’ve seen real evidence of this right across the pillars of the wider security team as well as across many other areas of the business over the last 6 ½ years. We have some fantastic people working here and the board places a real priority of being a secure and reliable business, 这真的有助于支持我们的安全目标吗. We are implementing new systems within my team and I’m really excited about the new opportunities that this will introduce for my colleagues to aid their own personal development.


这听起来很老套,但我真的一直在学习新东西. 在过去的几年里,我可能在业务上有所进步, but I really couldn’t do my job without the expertise and experience of my team around me and the support of the other people in security leadership. 我总是在学习业务的新方面, 如果有各种不同的要求,该找谁, as well as my team educating me on new and exciting features of our security tooling that allows us to progress our maturity in a collaborative manner.

在担任这个职位之前,我也没有制定过部门战略, but being able to concisely detail an overarching strategy and achieving the engagement of the team in that strategy has been a great experience.

人事管理显然也是我工作的重要组成部分. 虽然有时管理一个相对较大的团队是具有挑战性的, 我一直在学习如何处理个人可能出现的意外情况. 然而, being able to support and influence a positive outcome as a manager from an initially negative situation is something that remains one of the most rewarding parts of the job.


