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How to prepare for Talent Day 2023

人才日是北方最大的数字和技术招聘会, giving 1,600 students, graduates, 求职者和转行者有机会与大全球最大的博彩平台40家领先的数字和科技企业见面.

This year's event will take place on Wednesday 8th February at etc.对于任何希望在行业中取得成功的人来说,这是一个必须参加的活动.

Not got a ticket yet? You can book your free place via the link below.

Already booked? 继续往下读,你会发现在这一天会发生什么,以及最好的准备方法,以确保你从这个奇妙的机会中得到最大的收获.

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What happens at Talent Day

全球最大的博彩平台地区40家领先的数字和科技雇主将参展, 希望结识新一代的人才,同时也为他们目前的一些职位空缺做广告.

参展商将涵盖全球最大的博彩平台的数字和技术领域, and you can expect to find career opportunities in development, digital marketing, project management, design, UX and much more. 


你将有机会直接与这些企业交谈,了解更多全球最大的博彩平台他们的信息, their values and their opportunities, 同时也有机会推销自己,建立自己的人际网络.

In addition, 将有雇主主导的研讨会,由我们的赞助商Auto Trader提供, Atkins, Raytheon, GlobalLogic, BAE Systems Digital Intelligence, plus the chance to visit our CV clinic.


  • Make sure you know your stuff! Research which businesses will be exhibiting and what they do. 我们会在活动开始前把参展公司的名单发给你,或者你可以浏览一下 here
  • 你可能希望列出一个清单,列出你当天一定要谈的优先事项, 但要保持开放的心态,和一些你以前可能没有听说过或很自然地被吸引的人交谈——你永远不知道它会把你引向何方!
  • Update and tailor your CV, 并确保你已经打印了足够的副本,以便在当天交给企业. 想想你该如何展示你的技能、兴趣和资历. And remember to show a passion for the industry too! If you want some tips on setting up your CV, watch this video.
  • Got a LinkedIn/Twitter account? Ensure the information on there is up to date, 包括在你的简历中,并关注/联系你感兴趣的公司.
  • 准备一些问题,表现出你对面试当天想要面试的公司的兴趣,并思考这些公司如果雇佣你会有什么好处. This is your opportunity to really stand out from the crowd!
  • 准备并练习一场职业电梯演讲,将自己介绍给潜在的雇主,给他们留下正确的印象. 

Advice from one of our sponsors:

  • Have a look at who is exhibiting and do some research. 
  • 准备好一份最新的简历副本,这样你就可以尽快在网上申请职位了
  • Come prepared with questions. Think about what would be useful for you to know. 问题可能来自你的研究,也可能是你可以问多个雇主的一般性问题
  • Be yourself
  • No question is a silly question

    Sarah Brooks-Pearce - Future Talent Manager, Auto Trader

On the day

  • etc.venues Manchester 位于全球最大的博彩平台市中心皮卡迪利花园附近,交通便利, within easy access of buses, trams and trains. 如果你想开车进去,附近有很多停车场可供选择. We advise entering via the Minshull Street entrance (而不是正门),在那里有电梯可以直接带你到才艺日. The event will be well sign-posted on the day.
  • Talent Day will open at 11am and run until 3pm. We anticipate the event being particularly busy in the morning, so it may be better to plan your visit for the afternoon.
  • Dress appropriately. Whilst you don’t need to be dressed professionally, 记住,第一印象很重要,所以你的仪态很重要!
  • 积极主动——自信地处理业务,推销自己并提出问题. 
  • When talking to businesses, use your elevator pitch. Be curious, engaging and show some passion! 商家会希望看到一些热情,并记住,竞争将是激烈的.
  • Remember, 去接触一些你以前没有听说过的或者不是很吸引你的公司并没有什么坏处——保持开放的心态很重要,你的梦想工作可能会在你意想不到的地方出现.
  • 一定要记住招聘人员的名字,获取他们的联系方式. 在和企业谈完话后,不要害怕在笔记本或手机上做笔记.
  • 虚心听取未来雇主或招聘人员的建议, 它可能会给你带来以前没有考虑过的新机会或新角色.
  • 在社交媒体上分享你的经历,使用标签#MDTalentDay.

After the event

Follow up with the businesses that you spoke to, 即使是简单的寄张便条来感谢他们的时间. 如果你说过你会给他们发送任何额外的信息,那么一定要在一两天内完成.

及时了解行业动态以及与你交谈过的公司. You could follow them on LinkedIn and Twitter, 或注册全球最大的博彩平台数字通讯,以了解最新消息, events and jobs from across the sector. 

Not booked your place at Talent Day yet? Book now via the link below. 

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