


You’ve completed a great survey, you’ve got tons of insightful feedback. 但是你现在做什么呢? How do you make the most of your employee survey results? 

By not taking feedback seriously you risk creating a poor culture, 或者失去有价值的团队成员, 所以你需要采取行动! 

💡 感觉不舒服的员工 providing upward feedback are 16% less likely to stay in their organisation.

There are some steps you need to take that will show your employees that you’re using their feedback to improve the employee experience. 毕竟, you asked for their feedback for a reason - you want employees to know that you hear them and value their input.

  1. 检讨结果

You can help gain extra insights from your results by analysing them effectively. It can help leaders connect with the feedback and understand the action that they need to take next. 

Consider key themes, quick wins and longer term big wins from each survey.

Look for patterns - Are there areas in which your organisation scored low across the board? 这显然是一个开始的地方. Identifying gap that are affecting employee happiness is key to moving the needle.

Dissect the data - Not all teams work the same, and not all teams have the same concerns. Data creates stories at both an individual and a team level, so be sure to consider both.

Consider any key demographics in the data if your survey data set is large enough. A key insight we often find in surveys is the difference in 参与水平 based on length of service. 

The insight this can bring can contribute hugely to retention strategies and understanding a typical career cycle in your organisation. 

There may be key areas, questions or themes that you might want to keep a close track on. You can build these into a dashboard or report that is regularly reviewed, 这样就可以监控进展.  

There is a word of caution when it comes to segmentation, it shouldn’t come at the cost of anonymity. 

十点空间, 我们的平台内置了一个“道德”过滤器, this allows us to protect anonymity to create a safe space for employees to share feedback, but also to drill down to identify additional insights.

  1. 制定行动计划

Once you’ve understood what the data is telling you, it’s time to create an action plan. This can often be split into “quick wins” and longer term action that may need more time and resources. 

It’s also likely you’ll identify actions that apply across the whole organisation, 或者针对特定的团队和人口统计.  

It’s important to talk about engagement and action planning regularly. This keeps momentum going and keeps accountability for progress high. 

  1. 与员工沟通 

Employees who have taken the time to complete a survey, will want to know what the outcomes are and what happens next. 

There is often immediate messaging we can give to employees, to share findings and themes and what the key next steps are. This might be an organisational wide communication, where everyone receives the same message. 

Think about the best channel to share this based on your population to maximise the impact.

In our experience this communication has the best impact when it comes from the leaders at the top of the organisation. Showing ownership and interest in employee feedback and making progress. 

From there it might be that line managers speak with their teams and help them to understand the findings and impact on a local level. Helping employees understand the “so what” for them, helps them connect to the outcomes.   

  1. 定期锻炼

通过定期测量, you stand a better chance of preventing problems that lead to poor culture and resignations as you are building up patterns and collecting regular data, 目前这种情况正在发生. 

Really getting to grips with employee feedback data can even help to predict issues before they arise. 

通过匿名反馈, your teams are given a voice and when they see action coming from their feedback, 他们知道自己的声音被听到了.

创造伟大的过程 & 全球最大的博彩平台员工反馈的习惯 & 行动会有回报. This will come through in both survey completion rates, 参与水平, 健康的文化,最终留住员工.


十点空间, 我们帮助组织了解驱动因素, 或者在团队中不积极参与. 我们经常这样做, 定制敬业度调查, designed to get to the heart of culture and engagement.

开始您的旅程与我们的高参与通过 保持联系. Or check out how we’ve helped others create incredible workplaces in our 案例研究.

